I teach two courses at UMSI: SI 608 - Networks and SI 618 - Data Manipulation and Analysis.
SI 608 - Networks
This course covers topics in network analysis, from social networks to applications in information networks such as the internet. We introduce basic concepts in network theory, discuss metric and models, use software analysis tools to experiment with a wide variety of real-world network data, and study applications to areas such as information retrieval.
SI 618 - Data Manipulation and Analysis
This course aims to help students get started with their own data harvesting, processing, aggregation, and analysis. We cover a wide variety of topics such as using APIs to collect data, SQL, Spark through Python. We use R to perform exploratory data analysis. We use DataCamp for lab assignments for this part of the class so that our students can learn R in an interactive way.
Invited Talks
Quantifying Pluralism and Solidarity in Social Movements: A Case Study of Gezi Park Uprising in Turkey
The Center for Middle East Studies Distinguished Lecture Series, University of California Santa Barbara, November 2014
Fair and Balanced? Quantifying U.S. News Media Bias through Crowdsourced Content Analysis
Department of Computer Science, University of California Santa Barbara, November 2014
Quantifying Political Slant and Selection Bias of U.S. News Media
COSN Committee Members Workshop, Microsoft Research Mountain View, July 2014
Understanding and Managing the Diffusion of Information in Online Social Networks
NEC Japan, March, 2014 Understanding and Managing the Diffusion of Information in Online Social Networks. Kyoto University, March, 2014
Big Data in Online Social Networks: User Interaction Analysis to Model User Behavior in Social Networks
Keynote Speaker, 9th Annual Workshop on Databases in Networked Information Systems, March, 2014
The Future of Social Science Research: A Computational Social Science Perspective
Womensphere 5th Annual Emerging Leaders Global Summit, January, 2014
Navigating Through the Vast Space of Online Social Networks Research
Technicolor Labs, Palo Alto, CA, 2012
Use of Online Social Networks in Business: A Case for Viral Marketing and Redefining Influentials
Istanbul Chamber of Commerce, Istanbul, Turkey, 2011
Information Diffusion in Online Social Networks - Exploring the Vast Problem Space
Istanbul Sehir University, Istanbul Turkey, 2011
Information Diffusion in Online Social Networks - Exploring the Vast Problem Space
Koc University, Istanbul Turkey, 2011
Information Diffusion in Social Networks: Observing and Influencing Societal Interests
Tutorial presentation with Profs. Divyakant Agrawal and Amr El Abbadi in VLDB (International Conference on Very Large Databases), 2011
Information Diffusion in Social Networks: Observing and Affecting What Society Cares About
Tutorial presented single-handedly in CIKM (Conference on Information and Knowledge Management), 2011
Registration chair for COSN (ACM Conference on Online Social Networks) 2015
Program Committee Member for:
- WWW (International Conference on World Wide Web) 2015, 2016
- ICWSM (International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media) 2015, 2016
- WebSci (ACM Web Science Conference) 2016
- AAAI (AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence) 2016
- HCOMP (Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing) 2015
- WSDM(InternationalACMConferenceonWebSearchandDataMining)2014, 2015
- COSN (ACM Conference on Online Social Networks) 2014, 2015
- ICDM (IEEE International Conference on Data Mining) 2014
- SIGMOD (ACM Special Interest Group On Management of Data Conference) 2013
Organizer for MSR NYC Data Science Seminar Series
Instructor for Microsoft Research Data Science Summer School